A Living Thing
The church is a living thing. The church is the people of faith in Jesus Christ, not the building. The church building is where we come to worship our Lord as one body, a community of believers, gathered together, united as one by the Holy Spirit, to be nourished by not only the words of scripture, but by his body and blood. The church grows through baptisms, weddings, and social events. Because of the beauty in the rituals of the church, weddings and funerals in the Catholic Church are two of the main reasons people become Catholic or come back. The Church needs weddings, baptisms, and social events, and presentations of faith to grow. We also need to be inviting, making visitors feel welcome. Without these things a church can become stale, and like our bodies, things grow old and eventually come to an end. I think we are doing a pretty decent job on all these things I mentioned, but you might see it differently. There is plenty of room for us to grow. I say enjoy the social events, bring your children to church, baptize them, marry in the church, God Bless you, and let us grow in our faith together. Let Jesus guide us as His chosen ones. What will you do?